Middle Age – or – I’m not dead yet!

It’s funny how it sneaks up on you.  You feel much like you did in your 20’s or 30’s, or at least I do.  Less hangovers maybe, lol.  But the calendar clearly says that today I am exactly half way to 89 years old.  I hope to live that long!  My family history isn’t in favor of it, but one can hope.  I used to think that was so OLD.  Being in the midst of it, though, I feel pretty much not old at all.  Nor do I think I should start to dress a certain way because of what the calendar says.

Shortly after I turned 40 I did look into what I was now supposed to wear.  Most of what I found was so far from my world and so conservative I ran, fast.  I still took a few overarching rules to heart (no short shorts, spaghetti straps, Juniors department).  I have since reintroduced some of those things that I’d read were no longer appropriate for my age group, ahem.  Turns out they were plenty appropriate for me.

It occurs to me that many of those rules are based on assumptions of what a middle aged woman in America is doing in life – namely raising a family and being a career woman, most likely in a suburb or city center.  Well, no wonder the rules didn’t feel like they applied to me!  That is not my life.  Far from it.  I have no kids to potentially embarrass with my penchant for zippers and hardware and a rock n roll influence, nor an office job to dress for.

Rules might be an okay place from which to start, but don’t be afraid to break them if they don’t make sense to/for you.  I live in a casual life in a mountain town with no need for many standard ‘must have’ list items.  Hoodies, tees, and jeans are the norm here, even if you are 50.  Still, I like to dress up more than my environmental norm. A little 😉

Today’s outfit is to go have sushi with my BF.  This is what middle age, on me, looks like.  My life.  My way.  My outfit:


  • Spiegel leather jacket
  • Old Navy chiffon pocket tee
  • Ralph Lauren black label red moto jeans via eBay (at 90% discount – no way was I going to spend $600 on them!!)
  • Chinese Laundry zip detail booties via eBay
  • Tom Binns for Disney necklace via eBay

Everything was purchased online, and all at a discount. Interestingly, most things are at least 3 years old but the booties and jacket.  Hunh.  Guess these pieces are so ‘me’, above and beyond whatever trend is/was in when I bought them, that they feel as great to me now as they did then.  Oh, and what do you know – it’s yet another variation on jeans and a tee shirt.  Ha!  I do wear other things, I promise.

For those also hitting midlife, but also somewhat outside of the ‘box’, I’d be interested to know how/if your age affects your clothing choices.  Also, for those younger gals, don’t fear, 20 years from now you don’t have to cut your hair into a bob and put away your more daring choices.  BE YOU.  And love every minute of it!!

10 thoughts on “Middle Age – or – I’m not dead yet!

  1. Oh, how I love that Spiegal leather jacket, it looks so good on ANY age.
    A perfect example of an item that could be considered only for the young, when really it is just a matter of choosing the right style, fit and attitude to make it Fab!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy birthday MO. It was birthday week in my life as many of my friends seem to have birthdays in early November (me too). Although I agree that there are some looks that are more appropriate for the young (club wear), I think dressing appropriately is far more about getting the shapes and sizes right than an issue of age. A good friend turned 55 yesterday. She is tall and slim, and works out 5 days a week. I can’t imagine anything not being age appropriate for her.

    I have the spiegel jacket too. Perhaps I will wear it today.


    • Oh,no my birthday isn’t ’til spring. Sorry. I’m 44 1/2 today 🙂 (I was counting the weeks left in the year when that struck me). My family doesn’t get out of their 80’s so this really is middle age for me. Unless I get extra lucky. :/
      So funny how many have this fab jacket! I moved to FL before I could wear it over a year ago. I’m just now getting to enjoy it!


  3. Thanks. I really thought I had to give up short shorts. And I did. For about a year or two. But walking around in 90+ degrees and just as high humidity in almost knee length shorts had me rethinking that. So glad I did. I found the happy medium. Not snug and not higher than a certain mole on my left thigh (LOL!). About 3 1/2″ inseam. There is almost always a middle ground to be found.


  4. You wear 44.5 extremely well, Mo! I applaud you for following your heart rather than some arbitrary rules about what you “should” be wearing. I think one’s environment (like a business dress code) and one’s shape are much more important in determining the styles we choose rather than age.

    The other day a young woman (our account rep from our payroll company) called on us. After she left, the 27 year old woman who works with me commented that the account rep’s dress was too short, not because of her age but because it didn’t look very professional. The fact that it was pretty chilly and her legs were bare didn’t help!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mo, I am with you all the way! I have never felt like I had an expiration date just because I reached a landmark birthday, whether it was 25, 30, 40… or now (I am a year younger than you, I think). I can do so much more now, than twenty years ago, including physically. So thpppt on all of the ‘they say’s, the ‘supposed-to’s’, the ‘societal norm’, or anyone who thinks that just because you’ve reached a certain age, you’re supposed to lop off your hair, forego nice clothing, and give up on life. Yeesh. I love your blog, and I love your style!

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